DJ U-CAN “Motives & Thoughts” (Taipei, Taiwan)

宮城県出身で台湾在住の旅するビートメーカーDJ U-CANが新曲 “Motives & Thoughts”のミュージックビデオをリリース。2013年にタイ、ラオス、カンボジアの3カ国を渡り歩いた旅の情景が映し出された本作は、サウンドトラックの制作はもちろん映像撮影、編集、ディレクションにいたるまですべて自ら手掛けたという意欲作。より自由な創造へと歩み寄ったインディペンデント純度の高い作品になっています。

DJ U-CAN’s a new music video “Motives & Thoughts” is now available on youtube. For more pure creativity with its independence, he  worked on every creation process such as shooting, editing, and direction of film by following his own guidance and inspiration, shooted through the  journey between Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia in 2013.

DJ U-CAN is a DJ/producer from Japan, who continues original activities in music through the journey to the various streets all around the world. In 2006, he released “UNDERGROUND CONNECTION” featuring the greatest lyricist in Korea JAZZY IVY (Zulu Nation) and taking the free-style of artists all over Asia, which was also his own activity base. In 2008, he released “UNDERGROUND CONNECTION Scene 2″, with participants including Sever Star (Botanica Del Jibaro) and artists all over US and Europe  who resonated to the greatest concept of the series “Chain reaction of connection”. In recent years, he participated for classic albums such as “MU-ROOTS” by NAGAN SERVER (2010), +81 -PLUS EIGHTY ONE-“ by DJ ARCHITECT (2011), “PRIVATE ANTHEM” by LIVING DEAD (2013), and projects for various grounds as his liberal style of music shows.

UC RECORDS Official Website:
DJ U-CAN Bandcamp:
DJ U-CAN SoundCloud:
DJ U-CAN Twitter:

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