Date : 2008.03
Common Magazine issue07




■ When did you start skateboarding? How has skating affected your life?

I found skateboarding when I was 10 years.My parents were getting divorced and I guess I needed something to take my mind off it. I put myself into skateboarding and nothing else mattered.It has been like that ever since – 23 years later.

■ スケートボードを始めたのはいつ頃から?また、スケートはBENNYにどんな影響を与えてくれますか?


■ What made you decide to pursue a career in design?

I got interested in art early on through skate boarding and the art that were on the boards.I didn’t even know that graphic design existed until I got to college. I just went to art school because I could draw decent and I wanted to move some where that had a better skate scene then the town I grew up in. I really fell in love with design in college and knew that this is what I wanted to do. I have been very fortunate with my design career and blessed that it all worked out so well.

■ デザインの仕事をするようになったきっかけは?


■ How did you start designing for HUF? Please tell us how you met Keith.

I met Keith when he moved back to SF to open his shops. He needed a logo for his brand new store. I am really into logo projects and I was really excited to work on Huf’s. I find identity jobs extremely challenging. A successful logo embodies a companies entire feeling and direction into one small mark that is immediately recognizable at first glance. I love the logo I created for Huf and it has lead to great opportunities for me.

■ HUFのデザインをするようになったきっかけは?また、KEITHとの出会いを教えてください。


■ Besides HUF design products, what other kind of work are you doing/ have you done? How did you expand your business?

I have recently cut back the amount of work that I am doing with Huf to focus on other projects. I have a demanding freelance business and a small signature clothing brand that needs my attention.
I still am involved with Mash. I had no idea the Mash project was going to be so big when I was working on the logo for them.

■ HUFのプロダクトデザイン以外には、どんなジャンルの仕事をしていますか?また、どのように繋がったんですか?


■ Do you have any particular policy/principle of your own when designing?

I like to keep everything hand done with a strong concept behind it. Good design is design with meaning and purpose.

■ デザインする際にどんなこだわりがありますか?


■ How do you come up with new ideas? What do you do when you hit a wall?

You never know when creativity is going to hit you. When I am stuck i jump on the bike or the board and it helps to give me perspective.

■ アイディアはどんな時に生まれる?また、アイディアに困ったら何をしますか?


■ You have designed for many products, which one left the biggest impression?

I put a lot into the Nike Quake from brainstorming the idea to completion. It has sort of become my claim to fame in a weird way. The project started as a 2 shoe pack between Nike and Huf to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the SF quake of 1906. The shoe pack gained so much hype before they were released due to the fact that they keep getting pushed back by nike.
We almost missed the anniversary year entirely. While we were waiting for the shoes to get released we blew out the concept onto apparel and hard goods. The quake made it’s way onto shirts, hats, hoodies, stickers, skateboards, a nike pop up store and a lot more. The response to the whole project has been great and I am pleased how well it was received.

■ 今まで色々なプロダクトデザインをしてきたと思いますが、一番印象に残っているものは何ですか?

最初のアイディアを生み出すところから完成までNIKE QUAKEにはかなり力を入れたよ。この商品は不思議な意味で僕を有名にした気がする。このプロジェクトは1906年のサンフランシスコ大地震(QUAKE)から100年目を追悼する為、NIKEとHUFの二つの靴をセット販売するところから始まった。NIKEがリリースする日にちを何度もずらしていた為、販売される前からかなりの注目を浴びていた。

■ Please tell us how you met Mike from MASH.

This is a good story. I was trying to buy some bike parts and I answered a classified post that Mike put on craigslist. I went to his office to look at the parts and this guy had so many bikes, skateboards and camera equipment. I was blown away. I called Gabe Morford up immediately and told him you have to meet this guy Mike. Gabe and I known each other through skateboarding for years and we both got into bikes around the same time. I told Gabe that Mike was into all the same stuff that he was. They are both great photographers and cycle enthusiasts. They hit is off and became friends and Mash was born out of that.

■ MASHのMIKEとの出会いを教えてください。

これはイイ話だよ。バイクの部品が欲しくてMIKEがCRAIGSLISTに載せた掲示板に答えたのがきっかけ。パーツを直接見る為に彼の事務所に寄ったらビックリ。こんなにバイクやスケートボード、カメラ設備などを持っている男なんて初めてで圧倒されたんだ。直ぐにGABE MORFORDに連絡をして、MIKEに会うべきだと伝えたよ。GABEとは昔からのスケート仲間で、同じ時期にバイクに興味を持ちだした仲。そんなGABEとMIKEは趣味も同じ。二人は素晴らしい写真家でもあり、かなりのバイク好き。案の定二人は仲良くなり、MASHが誕生したというわけ。

■ Please guide us through the production process of the MASH logo.

My process is pretty simple with any project.I start with a list of objectives and what the project is about. From there I keep writing words and themes down that relate. This usually brings the creative process to places that I didn’t think of when I first got the job. After I have a good list going I pick out the themes that stick out to me and I start sketching. Once I am happy with my sketch I take it to the computer. The computer is usually my last step.

■ MASHのロゴマークの制作過程を教えてください。


■ Is there a meaning behind your plane logo?

Paper planes to me are a great symbol of youth and growth. They symbolize the essence of being a kid and when you put the plane into flight they represent growth. It is important to me to remain youthful as I continue to grow. No matter how far far you go in life the basic things like skateboarding and riding your bike are what’s really important. Stay Gold.

■ BENNYの飛行機マークには、どんな意味が込められているんですか?

このマークは僕にとって「若さ」と「成長」のシンボル。紙飛行機は子供を表わしていて、それを空に飛ばすことによって成長という意味に変わる。いつまでも子供の心を持ち続ける大人でいたいという意味。どれだけ人生が変わったとしても、基本のスケートボードやバイクが一番大切だということを忘れたくない。Stay Gold.

■ What is the city of San Francisco to you?

San Francisco is home. I have been living here for 10 years. I always wanted to be in SF and be a part of the skate scene. It took me graduating college and a cross county road trip to finally make it out here. I am never leaving.

■ BENNYにとってサンフランシスコはどんな街ですか?


■ What is your impression of Japan?

I love Japan. I grew up with Hippy parents who are into Macrobiotics. Macrobiotics is a whole grain approach based on the Japanese diet. Being raised like that I have had a strong connection to Japan my whole life. My wife and I first went out there in 2004 and I have been back twice ,with Mash, since then. It was great to see so many people loving bikes on our last trip.

■ 日本の印象を教えてください。


■ When do you feel most happy?

Honestly just hanging out with my wife and being mellow makes me really happy lately. You can also never beat the feeling of cruising down the street or bombing a hill on your bike or board.

■ BENNYが一番幸せな時間を教えてください。


■ Do you currently have any plans on trying something interesting?

Everyday! I hope to keep things interesting for a long time.

■ 今後何かおもしろい試みはありますか?

