Date : 2009.06
Common Magazine issue12




■ It’s been a year since you did a feature with us on Common. Has your brand, Benny Gold changed or grown since then?

Wow, has it been a year already? Time flies. The Benny Gold brand has been generating some steam. I picked up some new solid store accounts since then. I also started exploring accessories for the line. Hopefully in a year form this interview I will be even further along.

■ 初めてCommonに出てもらってから1年以上が経過したんだけど、Benny Gold(ブランド)としての変わった点や成長した点などはありますか?

Wow, もう1年経っちゃった?早いね。Benny Goldブランドは結構話題を呼んでいるよ。あれから固定の取扱店もできたし。アクセサリーラインも増やしているよ。このインタビューから更に1年後はもっと成長しているといいなって思うよ。

■ What started you to design and make your own products?

I always made my own stuff. As a kid I was drawing my own T-shirts and putting out stickers. It didn’t turn into a brand till Huf suggested it in 2006

■ デザイナーとして始まって、自身のプロダクトをスタートさせようと思ったキッカケって何ですか?


■  Why did you name your brand Benny Gold?

I used to work under the name Stay Gold mostly until a lot of people and brands started to jump on the same theme. I figured i should make it more personal so I adopted the Gold as a surname like punk rock bands did (Ramones, 7 Seconds, Youth of Today).

■ Benny Goldっていうブランド名にした理由を聞かせて下さい。

以前はStay Goldという名前で物作りをしていたんだけど、色んな人やブランドが同じように似たテーマを使い始めたんだ。もう少し個人的に意味のある名前にしようと思ったからGoldを自分の名字として使うようになった。(Ramones、7 SecondsやYouth of Today のようなロックバンドもやってたみたいにね)。

■ Are you not using Stay Gold anymore?

I still use Stay Gold as a tag line. The stay gold theme of youth and staying true to what you believe in will always be a big part of who I am.

■ Stay Goldってもう使っていないの?

今はキャッチコピーとして使ってるよ。Stay goldが意味する若々しさや自分が信じる事に忠実であり続ける姿勢などは僕自身の大きなテーマなんだ。

■ When you design your collections, do you always have a theme?

The line explores the concept of staying youthful and striving to be the best you can be. The reference to gold symbolizes success and achievement. Stay Gold.

■ Bennyは自分のコレクションを発表する時、毎回テーマなどを決めてデザインするんですか?

伝えたいコンセプトとしては若く居続けることと、自分のベストを尽くすこと。ゴールドは成功や成就を象徴している。Stay Gold。

■ What is the theme for the Spring Summer collection?

I keep expanding on the original theme for the brand and see how far I can take the concept.

■ Spring / Summerのテーマは?


■ What is the theme for the Fall Winter collection? If you can give us any hints.

You will see more of the same from me as well as our introduction into accessories.

■ 言える範囲で良いんですがFall / Winterのテーマは?


■ You always do a collaboration on your Benny Gold Line. How do they come about?

My collaborations are not based on hype but rather on friendship and people that I respect. Collaborations are a great way to work with people that you admire.

■ Benny Gold Lineで毎回誰かとコラボレーションをしていますが、どんなキッカケで始まるんですか?


■ Is there going to be a collaboration for FALL/WINTER? If possible, could you tell us a little bit about that?

Besides the collaborations with Common I have some pieces coming out with Rebel8. Mike Giant has always been one of my favorite artists. The entire Rebel8 crew is awesome.

■ Fall / Winterでも、もちろんコラボレーションはあるんでしょ?少しだけその事について教えてくれませんか?

Commonとのコラボレーションはもちろん、Rebel8ともリリースする予定だよ。Mike Giantは凄く好きなアーティストの1人で、Rebel8クルーもみんな素晴らしいよ。

■ What are you most careful of when designing your Benny Gold Line?

I try to put out the best work I can. I continue this into the Benny Gold line.

■ Benny Gold Lineで一番気を使ってデザインしている事などありますか?

何を作る時もベストを尽くそうとします。Benny Gold ラインでも同じです。

■ Will you be offering items other than Tees and NewEras in the future?

The line is constantly growing. You can expect a lot more from me. Tees are the most important thou because they are my speciality.

■ 今後T-ShirtやNewEra以外でアイテム数などは増やしていくんですか?


■ Because of the internet, a lot of publications have been cancelled or suspended. What are your thoughts on this issue?

The internet is a great tool. I think you have to be flexible and willing to evolve with the times. It’s definitely sad to see some of our favorite magazines go away thou. I am sure the people behind them are creative and will find another way to get their voice out there.

■ インターネットの普及で休刊や廃刊する媒体が増えてきたんですけど、Bennyはこの問題についてどう思いますか?


■ What is your typical day like in San Francisco?

I wake up before my wife does and get some work done. I take the dog for a walk then come home and make some tea. Then it’s usually more work or I go play in the streets with my skateboard or bike.

■ イBennyのSan Franciscoでの日常はどんな感じ?


■ Lastly, how are you going to expand or grow your brand for the future?

Only time will tell. I plan on staying focus and seeing where it can go.

■ 最後に、これから自分のブランドをどう成長させていきたいですか?

