Date : 2009.12
Common Magazine issue14

WORLD Great Persons × DEADLINE × N.A



Mankey(以下M) Deadlineを始めたきっかけを教えてください。


H What started you to do Deadline

N I was made an offer i could not refuse, opportunity knocked and i answered

H Deadlineという名前はどのようにつけられたのですか?

N 全て始める準備が整っていたけど、名前が思いつかなかったんだ。

H How did you come up with the name Deadline?

N We had everything ready to roll but could not think of a name so i gave my self a deadline to come up with the name and that ended up being the name (Deadline)

H ブランドのコンセプトについて聞かせてください。

N HipHop/SK8 & Gang/Crew/Posse Life 90年代の後半から2000年の初期のストリートファッション。

H What is the concept of your brand?

N HipHop/Sk8 & Gang/crew/posse life street fashion from the late 90’s to early 2000’s

H この間日本に来たと思うんですが日本のストリートシーンをどう感じましたか?

N 横浜で見たストリートキッズに関して言えば凄く似ていた。

H When you came to Japan, what did you think of the street scene? How is it different from New York?

N The street kids I saw in Yokohama, for example, were real similar. But in general, I think Japanese kids are more out there and have a wide range of style. I’m from Brooklyn where Hip Hop culture is really strong and we only wear certain type of clothes, as opposed to Japanese kids. They wear really tight jeans and wild shit. You can’t get people in New York or people that I’m around to wear that.

H Deadlineのデザインソースっていうのはエッジがかなり効いてますよね。

N ギャングスタ・ムービーだったり、例えば友達のドラッグディーラーから出てくる言葉の言い回し
Jeru The Damajaが凄く好きで彼のアルバムからインスパイアされたりね。

H Deadline’s design source is really rough and raw. Where do you get your inspiration for your designs?

N A lot of gangsta movies and what comes out of the street or drug dealers’ mouths. Quotes out of hip hop songs. That’s where I get my inspiration. I also get inspired by album covers like Jeru The Damaja.

H 次のコレクションでフォトグラファーのTim McGurrとかRicky Powellとかと

N 若い頃からの友達で、お父さんのことも知っていてその流れでティムとかマンハッタンに行けば
もう一人考えた時に昔から活動していて有名なRicky Powellしかいないと思った。

H Your next collaboration is with photo graphers Tim McGurr and Ricky Powell. How did that come about? Are you guys friends?

N We’ve been friends since we were really young. I know Tim’s father and we hang out a lot when he’s in the city. Since I was work ing with Tim who is a young photographer, I also wanted to do another collaboration with someone older and who’s been in the game for a long time. And Ricky Powell was the only person I could think of.

H 今のニューヨークと昔のニューヨークの違いは?

N 最近は昔に比べると外の連中が入ってきている。

H What’s the difference between the New York now and the New York then?

N Now in New York, there are a lot of out-of-towners. So New York isn’t really what it was used to be. There’s still a core. But it’s changing slowly. You would have never found a spot like this back in the day. Stuff like this never existed in the 90’s but if it did, you would never find people like us in it. It would only be for high end, suit and tie kind of people. As for as fashion goes, now there are a lot of different styles but I’ve always kept the same style. If new style pops up, people change their style. But not me, I stay with my style. I’m not going to be HIP HOP one day and then PUNK and then Rock N Roll the next because that just means you’re confused. I keep in my lane and I know where I belong.

H N.AにとってHarold Hunterはどんな存在だった?

N 彼は俺にとって、凄く仲のいい友達だった。長い間、彼と一緒に住んでいたんだ。

H Who was Harold Hunter to you?

N To me, he was a real good friend. I used to live with him for a long time. We used to live together for two years. He was a friend. He was crazy. He had his ups and downs. He was definitely wild. He never held back from saying whatever he wanted to say. If he had something on his mind or if he saw something funny, he would say it. He was always acting, always mad, always happy. With Harold you never know, one minute he’s happy and the next minute he’s mad about how he doesn’t have any money. And the next minute he’s talking about how he came up with 500 dollars. He was just out there. He was wild. That’s probably what killed him. He was probably too wild for his own good. But he was definitely a character. I don’t think I’m ever going to meet somebody like Harold again in my life.

H UXAだったりVehicleだったりあるでしょ?コレクションが増えないっていうか、

N UXAだったりっていうのは本人達がこの仕事をメインでやっていない。
彼らはそれぞれ仕事をしていて、一人は消防士、一人はDC Shoes、
もう一人はTommy HilfigerとかLevi’sにデザインを提供しているフリーのデザイナーなんだ。

H UXA and Vehicle have been doing their collections but it really hasn’t expanded much. Maybe it’s because they’re doing it as a skate company. What direction are you going with Deadline? Are you going to expand your brand with a broader style or do you think you’ll have a strong backbone in HIPHOP or skateboarding.

N UXA is a small brand because it’s not their main thing. The three people that run it,aren’t really doing it for money. It’s more of a side business. They all have separate jobs. One is a fireman, another works at DC Shoes and the other one is a freelance designer that has worked for Tommy Hilfiger and Levi’s. All these guys are my inspiration. They used to tell me as a kid, “ You dress pretty dope. You got a good style.” And that inspired me to go into fashion and got me to doing my own stuff. I want to expand but not to the point of where it’s like Ecko. I don’t want it to be a “bullshit brand”. I want my stuff to stand out. Of course I want to expand but not have my brand in just any shop. I want them to be in decent shops. But then again, I don’t want it to be in just one or two boutiques either. I want it to be somewhere in the middle.

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